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In the 1970s and early 1980s, Fr. George DeTrana began small Orthodox missions in both Richmond and Roanoke. From his home in Richmond, he drove to Roanoke to offer liturgies and begin building an Orthodox community. When his health declined in the late 1990s, he was no longer able to keep up with both churches. Within a few years, he passed away. A new priest was assigned to St. Cyprian Orthodox Church in Richmond, and the widowed community of St. Ambrose was forced to close her doors.

In 2017, the Diocese of the South asked Fr. Samuel Gantt, a retired priest living in Roanoke, to try reviving the mission. Fr. Sam did so, and in May of 2022, he retired (for real this time!) and Fr. Jeremy McKemy was assigned to St. Ambrose.

Today, we are a growing and thriving Orthodox church that meets weekly for Vespers and Divine Liturgy. Someday when we are able to get a space that allows for consistent weekday meetings, we will add more weekday services and/or classes.

Please join us for worship on Saturday evening and Sunday mornings!

Also, check our calendar for occasional weekday services. Our rental location was able to accomodate us for a few of the feast days in the latter part of 2022.


As a member of the Orthodox Church in America, we are part of the ancient, canonical Eastern Orthodox Church. See our Administration page for more details.




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