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Catechism began on August 28th. We have it most weeks shortly after Liturgy, coffee hour, and clean up (between 12-12:15PM)

What is catechism? Ever since the late first century or early second century, those who were interested in learning more about Christianity were offered classes. These catechetical lectures taught the basics of the Christian faith. The Orthodox Church has maintained that tradition of offering catechism to all of its prospective members.

We plan to begin our meetings on Sundays between 12:00-12:15PM (the start time will vary depending on how long clean up takes). The first few classes will focus on the history of God’s people in Old and New Testament times, Church history, how historical events tie into where we are today, and basic theology of the Church. Next, we’ll discuss what it means to be fully human and how life in the Church can heal our badly damaged humanity.

Due to the influence of the internet, people today are flooded with information. Therefore, my primary goal with these classes is to teach “The spiritual life and how to be attuned to it.” In other words, how we can draw closer to Christ and why the teachings of the Church matter.

Each class will have a lecture followed by a Q&A session. Plan for at least one hour.

If you’re not a member or regular attender at St. Ambrose, please talk to Fr. Jeremy about participation in these classes.




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