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St. Ambrose Day 2024

We had a great time celebrating St. Ambrose on December 7,[…]

Christ is risen!

Indeed He is risen! A joyous Pascha to all of you.[…]

Twelve people baptized or chrismated

The ice storm delayed our celebration of Theophany, but we made[…]

When Brethren Dwell in Unity

A joyous feast of St. Ambrose to everyone! We had a[…]

First Liturgy in Our New Location!

We had the joy of receiving three new catechumens (Nathaniel, Bre,[…]

Church group photo

We have moved!

On Sunday, September 24, we had our last Divine Liturgy at[…]

New Location Coming Up!

Great news! We have signed a lease for a storefront! Starting[…]

10 New Catechumens

Glory to God! Ten new catechumens were prayed for and enrolled[…]

Seven new catechumens

Last Sunday (3/19), on the Feast of the Cross, we received[…]

Classes Starting Back Up

During Great Lent, we will restart weekly classes. These will be[…]